Izard County, Arkansas Detention Center


The Izard County Detention Facility is a long-term lockup facility located in Melbourne, Arkansas that has a capacity of 34 inmates and four state 309 inmates. The facility was being controlled and protected by a 15-year-old Jail Control System that was struggling to maintain the reliability needed to secure the facility. Its existing Intercom System was failing and made communication with inmates nearly impossible. Izard County needed to replace their existing Intercom and Jail Control Systems with more dependable and technologically advanced solutions.

ECC worked closely with the county to ensure the new systems would seamlessly interface into their operational workflows, while maintaining their budgetary needs. Our team developed and implemented our touchscreen-based IMPERIUM® Jail Control System to give the facility modernized controls they could rely on. The system is customized to their facility’s operations with a user-friendly design that’s easy to use paired with state-of-the-art functionality.

IMPERIUM Jail Control System
IMPERIUM Jail Control System Jail Security System

The IMPERIUM System’s interface has complete lockdown ability, group unlock functionality, and water control. ECC also provided a correctional-grade Intercom System that’s integrated into the Imperium Jail Control. The new Intercom System gives the detention facility communication abilities they never had before including direct cell communication, entire pod communication, and facility-wide paging all accessible via a simple button press on an Imperium touchscreen.

The new systems have significantly improved the Izard County Detention Facility’s security and provided them with advanced technology they can rely on. ECC has backed these systems with responsive service and support through our Complete Care program to ensure the facility can maintain a high security environment.

ECC is currently collaborating with Izard County on their jail expansion project to expand our systems into this new addition which includes a 24-bed dorm, six 309 rooms, and a sally port.

jail Video Surveillance Jail Intercom Station
Sherry Davidson, Izard County Jail Administrator

"We were able to get it [IMPERIUM] installed, and it has been absolutely the best thing we've ever done. It's great equipment. It's worked great for me. Anytime I have any issue I've always been able to call, contact somebody, get somebody down here, and haven't really had any issues. That's been the key point right there, is not having to have a whole lot of issues. It's very functional for my staff, very easy to use. I just don't have any issues with it. Never have."

— Sherry Davidson, Jail Administrator




ECC has completed over 20,000+ projects over the course of our firm's history after over 65 years in business. We've connected organizations throughout the Midwest to better technology experiences in corporate, correctional, education, government, healthcare, industrial, and house of worship facilities.